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Happy Birthday, Winnie!
도서 Happy Birthday, Winnie!
  • ㆍ저자사항 by
  • ㆍ발행사항 New York: Oxford University Press, 2008
  • ㆍ형태사항 1v.(unpaged): col. ill.; 28cm
  • ㆍISBN 9780192727688:
  • ㆍ주제어/키워드 Happy Birthday Winnie
  • ㆍ소장기관 합덕도서관
  • ㆍQR코드 QR코드: Happy Birthday, Winnie!


소장중인 도서 정보를 구분, 낱권정보, 자료실/청구기호, 자료상태, 반납예정일, 예약 안내하는 표
구분 낱권정보 자료실 / 청구기호 자료상태 반납예정일 예약 상호대차
JM0000021259 [합덕]아동자료실
대출가능 상호대차


Get ready to celebrate with Winnie and Wilbur on the occasion of her birthday - on Friday the 13th, of course! It's Winnie's birthday and she's celebrating in style with a garden party. She uses all sorts of magic to invite the guests and transform her garden into the perfect party venue. There are presents to unwrap and games to play but then things start to go wrong when Winnie toots on the magic trumpet that cousin Cuthbert has given her. All her guests disappear! Winnie's party is suddenly in danger of being a rather bothersome occasion but, true to form, Winnie soon has everything back under control and she ends the party with a stunning edible surprise for all her guests to enjoy. Features A major new picture book featuring the best-selling character, Winnie the Witch. For the first time we meet some of Winnie's relatives: her uncle Owen, Aunty Alice, her three sisters: Wilma, Wendy and Wanda, and her cousin Cuthbert. Features a fabulous towering cake on a gatefold page. The Winnie the Witch series has sold over two million copies worldwide and has been translated into over twenty languages. Each page is chock-full of funny detail and crazy goings-on.

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